Issue Four


Letter from the Editors

 Only In Sleep | Michael Igoe

For Lewis | J. B. Stone

At Twelve, My First Flood | John Grey

‘Anyone for a drink?’- 1965, Regatta Hotel, QLD | Angela Costi

Obituary for the Canon | J. Sean Rafferty

We were never going to die | Ian C. Smith

Joan Again | Stephen Mead

The World’s Greatest Uncle | Pongwut Rujirachakorn

Hole Mill Inn | Sam Barbee

You Can Never Go Back | Glen Sorestad

Satanic Verse | Maggie Mackay

Fromelles – 19 July 1916 | Rob McKinnon

The Summer Day | Tracy Gaughan

Before the Concert | Rachel Tanner

St Swithin’s Grave | Stuart Rawlinson

Careers Week | Rodd Whelpley

Rival Poet | Cathy Huang




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